Joan Clifton Costner, born in rural Oklahoma is a professional photographer, 
recorded singer, published song writer, author and poet.
  Joan did not attend Sunday School until the age of 10, but if you ask,
 she will tell you she can’t remember when she didn’t believe in God.
 Joan attended many different denominations in her younger days, but,
she has made the Foursquare Gospel Church her home for the past 40 years,
serving in various capacities; like Sunday School teacher, Singer and Song leader.
  Married for 42 years, Joan and Glenn have 3 sons and 2 borrowed daughters. 
Grandchildren and great grandchildren are a blessing to this published poet.
  You will find her poetry sprinkled around many Christian websites.
Joan says she’s just an ordinary country girl, for she has always
 lived in small town Oklahoma.   The great grand daughter of a poet,
 she feels the talent was handed down and developed by God
 through the years.   Having written all her life, the computer
 opened the door to the world ~ for which she is so very grateful
 and happy to share with new Christian friends and writers.

Poetry by Joan  Clifton Costner

A Mothers Bible

Mother, A Journey 
of Life


Mother What Makes a Father

Daddy What If....

 Her Little Hand in Mine
Thank You

While I'm Away
How Nice of You
His Voice
Worth It
Everlasting Valentine
The Heavens Declare
The Triangle
Across The Miles

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Joan Clifton Costner.

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