Do you ever feel you’ve reached the end of your rope,
And as hard as you try you don’t see any hope?
If so, that’s the time you need to talk to a friend.
Just talking, sometimes, will make the darkness end.

What you’re going through is a part of God’s plan,
And He’ll provide you a friend, someone who will understand.
So keep seeking God’s will, and trust what he will do,
You’ll be amazed by the way He’ll work things out for you.

Sometime back I had a question about a choice I had to make,
I kept asking God for the direction that he would have me take.
I came up with many reasons to go either way,
But I couldn’t find inner peace, much to my dismay.

Finally in desperation I reached out to friend,
I knew that he was trustworthy and on him I could depend.
We sat down and I related the things that were bothering me.
I could see God’s hand working in the things he said you see.

His answers weren’t complicated and they fit me like a glove,
His replies were filled with Gods wisdom and Gods love.
When our conversation ended my choice was made really clear,
It was like God got my attention, He finally got my ear.

I heard God speaking through my Godly friend that day...
He showed me his direction, He showed me His way.
You can get an answer to your prayer for guidance too,
Through a friend or some other way God will speak to you.

It’s recorded in the Bible that God will be our guide,
And Christ promised us the Comforter to be always by our side.
So if you want to know what God would have you do,
You can be more than confident that He’ll reveal His will to you.

© Bob Hefner ~ 4th August 2001

Please respect author copyright, do not use or copy
poetry without first seeking permission from the author.

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